If you’ve been wearing dentures for many years, you know how important they are in helping to maintain a healthy smile and outlook. Even the best dentures, however, can suffer from wear and tear over time. That’s why it’s a good idea to set up a schedule with your denture clinic for regular maintenance and check-ups. When your dental dentures need a check-up or a reline, you should call the professionals at Right Dentures. We are in the Erindale Shopping Centre in Canberra, and we have over 20 years of experience in helping people with their dentures, whether it’s in an emergency or a regular visit.
Having your dental dentures relined every three to five years not only ensures they fit more comfortably in your mouth but also helps promote healthy gums and ensures good bone density. Poorly fitting dentures, if left for too long unattended, can create real oral health problems. Sadly, only about 1/5 of denture wearers schedule regular check-ups with their denture clinic. Don’t be part of that 80%. It’s also a great idea to schedule regular cleanings. While you need to brush your dentures as much as you did your real teeth and use a cleanser for them each night, it’s sometimes difficult to remove all food particles from the small surface pores you’ll find in any denture appliance.
At Right Dentures, our talented and professional team are happy to talk to you about setting up a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule. We can answer all your questions, including what might be the best cleaner that you can use at home. Call to set up an appointment today.
Take the first step in restoring your beautiful smile by visiting Right Dentures!
Southside Consultations:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9am - 5pm
Northside Consultations:
Tuesday & Thursday
9am - 1pm
Southside Consultations:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9am - 5pm
Northside Consultations:
Tuesday & Thursday
9am - 1pm